Downloading data#
Here we provide some examples of how to download data. They are not meant to be exhaustive, but they may help.
Understanding what you need#
Unfortunately, given the variety of models, approaches and requirements, there is no uniform set of flags that can be used across all datasets to 'just get the latest CMIP DECK data'. Instead, please see the specific details of each dataset for details about what is available. These pages include information about available grids and frequencies and what to use for the pre-industrial control experiments. The datasets overview page is here, from which you can access the information page for each individual dataset.
esgpull - commandline ESGF download software#
It is possible to download datasets using esgpull. The installation instructions are here.
Having installed esgpull, make sure it is configured on your system with
Then, we found that we had to set our data node correctly first in order for esgpull to find input4MIPs data.
Data can then be downloaded as shown below. The key thing is to make sure that you are getting the source ID you are interested in. (The below example uses the shell commands. Obviously you can drive the shell in your programming language of choice, which might be a more convenient option, particularly if you require specific combinations of grids and variables.)
# The MIP era will need to be changed to "CMIP7" when the final data is published
# (for now, all testing data is published under "CMIP6Plus").
# The source ID you're interested in.
esgpull add --tag ${SEARCH_TAG} --track project:${CMIP7_VERSION_PROJECT} mip_era:${CMIP7_VERSION_MIP_ERA} source_id:${CMIP7_VERSION_SOURCE_ID}
esgpull update -y --tag ${SEARCH_TAG}
# Be careful before running this, it may download a lot of data.
# See below for how to restrict the search info.
esgpull download --tag ${SEARCH_TAG}
If you want to only download data of a specific type, you can do that too. For example, to only download global-, annual-mean greenhouse gas concentrations, you can add the below (as discussed at the top of this page, knowing that this is possible is not obvious and there is no uniform guidance that applies to all forcings, unfortunately).
esgpull add --tag ${SEARCH_TAG} --track project:${CMIP7_VERSION_PROJECT} mip_era:${CMIP7_VERSION_MIP_ERA} source_id:${CMIP7_VERSION_SOURCE_ID} grid_label:${GRID_LABEL} frequency:${FREQUENCY}
esgpull update -y --tag ${SEARCH_TAG}
esgpull download --tag ${SEARCH_TAG}
If you want to see this flow being used within a wider repository, please see
Directly from ESGF#
The ESGF MetaGrid search interface (see
provides direct access to the ESGF-hosted datasets.
This allows searching via search facets,
e.g., MIP Era
, Target MIP
(where, for example, a target MIP of "CMIP" means the CMIP DECK activity, "ScenarioMIP" is the scenarios),
Institution ID
, Source ID
You can download directly by browsing down to file level.
Alternately, you can select a wget
script which will download via the commandline
- and will select all available files that comprise a dataset
(a collection of files defined by a unique combination of the search facets).
By default, only the latest (non-deprecated, non-errata) data are listed in a search.
In addition, you can also limit your search to a local ESGF node,
for example
on the West Coast of the USA,
in Hamburg, Germany.
We are expecting more ESGF nodes to begin replicating these data as the project matures.