input4MIPs CMIP6Plus delivery summary: v6.6.1a1

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Dataset # Forcing dataset Source ID Status ESGF publication status
Dataset # Forcing dataset Source ID Status ESGF publication status
1 Anthropogenic short-lived climate forcer (SLCF) and CO2 emissions
Internal docs: here
CEDS-CMIP-2024-10-21, CEDS-CMIP-2024-10-21-supplemental Preliminary dataset available Available (but some data has been retracted, be careful!): CEDS-CMIP-2024-10-21 (1750-01 to 2022-12), CEDS-CMIP-2024-10-21-supplemental (1750-01 to 2022-12)
2 Open biomass burning emissions
Internal docs: here
DRES-CMIP-BB4CMIP7-1-0 Preliminary dataset available Available: DRES-CMIP-BB4CMIP7-1-0 (1750-01 to 2022-12)
3 Land use
Internal docs: here
UofMD-landState-3-0 Preliminary dataset available Available: UofMD-landState-3-0 (0850 to 2024)
4 Greenhouse gas concentrations
Internal docs: here
CR-CMIP-0-3-0 Preliminary dataset available Available: CR-CMIP-0-3-0 (0001-01 to 2022-12)
5 CO2 isotopes
Internal docs: here
TBD Data in preparation Expected: January 2025
6 Stratospheric volcanic SO2 emissions and aerosol optical properties
Internal docs: here
UOEXETER-CMIP-1-1-3 Preliminary dataset available Available: UOEXETER-CMIP-1-1-3 (1750-01-01 to 2023-12-01)
7 Ozone concentrations
Internal docs: here
TBD Depends on 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8 Expected: ~January 2025; 3 months after dependent datasets
8 Nitrogen deposition
Internal docs: here
TBD Depends on 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8 Expected: ~January 2025; 3 months after dependent datasets
9 Solar
Internal docs: here
SOLARIS-HEPPA-CMIP-4-5 Preliminary dataset available Available: SOLARIS-HEPPA-CMIP-4-5 (1850-01-01 to 2023-12-31)
10 AMIP sea-surface temperature and sea-ice boundary forcing
Internal docs: here
PCMDI-AMIP-1-1-9 Final v1 dataset available. v2 dataset awaiting HadISST v2.4 release Available: PCMDI-AMIP-1-1-9 (1870-01 to 2022-12)
11 Aerosol optical properties/MACv2-SP
Internal docs: here
TBD Depends on 1, test dataset being produced in the meantime Expected: ~November 2024; Expected a month after dependent datasets
12 Population density
Internal docs: here
TBD Unknown: data provider TBD Expected: Unknown: data provider TBD