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Database views#

Here we provide different views of our database. The full database contains more information than is needed for most use cases. Hence, we provide views with less data that are tailored to common use cases. You can also, of course, make your own view by simply reading the database file in Database/input4MIPs_db_file_entries.json yourself.

  • Delivery summary view: Provides information about the expected delivery time of the different datasets. This provides very little information about the data, but does provide the key information about when data will be made available. If you are a data user, this is probably the view to bookmark. As data becomes available, you can then dive into the other views to get more detail about what the data actually contains. There are (or will be) of order twenty entries in this view.
  • Source ID-level view: Provides information about the status of different source IDs. In essence, this is the status at the dataset provider level. There are (or will be) of order twenty entries in this view.
  • Dataset-level view: Provides information at the level of a dataset, i.e. the information is disaggregated with one row for each variable (essentially) in the database. There are (or will be) of order one thousand entries in this view.
  • File-level view: Provides information at the level of individual files. There is one row per file. This view also includes every column in our database. Hence, it contains all information in the database. It is much more difficult to navigate than the other views because it contains too much information for most use cases.

If there is another view that you would find helpful, please feel free to raise an issue to discuss.